Pronunciation Guide
"But how do I say..?"
First, let me say, local dialect is a thing. It's okay if you pronounce it slightly differently. And if my pronunciation guide makes no sense to your, there's the wonderful site toPhonetics embedded below, which will give you an audio pronunciation, which is frequently (but not always) decent. That said... here's The Guide.
Dwarven/Dwarf: Duh-WAR-van/Duh-WAR-ff (don't forget the W, it makes them mad)
Elven/Elf: ELL-Van/ELL-ff
Human: Hugh-Man
Orcish/Orc: OR-KISH/OR-kuh
Tremlish/Tremlin: TRIM-L-ish/TRIM-L-inn
People and Places:
Aestelar Xyrsys: Ay-Stee-lar Zee-Rye-Sis
Aidroghn: A-Dr-Own
Alridlandian: Al-rid-land-ean
Arpigig: Arr-Pig-igh
Atneston: At-nest-on
Atresria: Atre-Sreea
Bogdub: Bogh-Dub
Bridgehia: Brig-Eeh-He-ah (the d is silent)
Canmouth: CAN-moo-th
Casre: Case-EEr
Chicham: Chee-Ch-am
Chipseia: Chip-SEE-ah
Cidacne Azeden: Sid-ache-knee Ah-zee-den
Cilfordia: Sill-Ford-E-ah
Dain Wyndi: Dane Wind-E
Dodridgian: Dough-Ree-Gan
Dourseserd Leedblet: Door-See-S-heard Led-buh-lay
Elidyr Preszeiros: Ellie-Deer Prez-Eros
Emprix: Ehm-PrickS (Emprix is a gender neutral version of Empress/Emperor):
Estel Úqua: Eh-stell OO-kwah
Foweybi: Foe-Way-Bee
Granhamia: Gran-haa-mia
Grat: Grr-ah-T
Hastithra Redminer: Has-Tea-Thr-Ah Red-mine-Er
Hatherhil: Hath-err-hill
Hayceford: HACE-ford
Knacuria: Nack-Your-E-uh (the K is silent as in Knight)
Kyrina Sep: K-eye-Ree-nuh Sehp
Lethonel Carfiel: Leth-own-L Car-Fell
Marfield: Marr-Feild
Miirphys Aepetor: Meyer-FF-is A-pee-Tor
Modhertia: Mode-Hurt-Eah
Mul: Moo-L
Nakdraebo Ingotheid: Knack-Dray-Boh Eng-Go-Theed
Omlid Obosh: Ah-mm-lid Oh-bOsh
Pehrakgu: Ph-EH-rack-goo
Rolim Azeden: Row-limb Ayy-Zz-Den
Sarenbar: Sare-in-bar
Sarough/Saroughians: SARE-row/SARE-row-ee-ins
Satrapy: Sat-Rap-ee
Savia: SAVE-ee-uh
Strozin Fimnat: StrO-Zen Fem-gNat
Tarquin Ginelenet: Tar-Kwin Gin-knee-lin-et
Teeb Dresyl: Tee-buh Dress-uhl
Thathes: Th-Aay-TH-ees
Thathing: Th-Aay-TH-ing
Treroe: Tree-row
Triumvirate: Try-oom-Veer-ate
Tyrael Genleth: Tie-ray-ahl Jin-le-th
Vargrumli Leedblet: Varr-Gruhm-lee Led-buh-let
Venza Ani: Vin-Zuh Ah-knee
Xagok: K-ag-oak
Xhada: Z-had-uh
Athamwi: Aah-th-Hahm-We
Balmnese: Ball-Mm-Knees
Charmouthian: Char-moo-th-E-an
Chiptonter: Chip-Tohn- Ter
Dudnabing: Dude-Nah-Bing
Framton: Fr-AM-ton
Godasbuton: Go-dah-Ss-Boo-Ton
Kindoke: Ken-Doh-Kee
Kromford: Crom-Ford
Maton: May-T-aw-N
Ofsiellingian/Ofsiellingianism: OFFs-ee-Ya-ing-Ann/OFFs-ee-Ya-ing-Ann-Is-Em
Olberere: Oil-bear-ear-E
Pentaresterian: Pen-Tare-Ss-Tree-Ann
Persaxrid: Per-Sah-Ks-Rid
Rokere: Roe-kuh-Ear-E
Shamanism: Sh-ah-man-Is-Em
Shifract: She-FraK-T
Uxrid: Uh-Ks-Rid
Winkingin: Wink-ing-En
Witherbu: Wither-Boo
Basilisk: Baa-Cill-ih-Ssk
Dire Beast: Die-er Beast
Drakes: Dray-Ks
Efreeti - Eh-Free-Tea
Elemental - Ella-Mental
Fomorian: Foe-More-Ean
Gnoll: NO-L
Hobgoblins: H-aw-B-G-aw-blin-s
Kelpie: Kell-pee
Metshin: Met-SH-in
Nymphs: Nim-FFs
Osokoneza: Oh-so-Koh-knee-sah
Pişiyi: Peh-Say-yee
Reliquaries: R-ell-E-Kwar-ies
Shades: Shh-Aids
Sídhe: SH-AY
Weir-Beasts: Where-beasts
Wyrms: Weerms
*On Mobile Devices, you'll need to scroll down to find the text entry box on toPhonetics, enter the text, then hit the blue button and scroll down again to get to the 'play' button. Otherwise please navigate to